What To Expect When You're Expecting . . . To Read This Blog

Is blogging dead? I ask myself this etherial question shortly after buying my personalized domain name. What follows is a series of increasingly more difficult questions. Who am I? What do I have to say? Why do I want a blog? What is the point in my writing anything down? What is the point of anything? What is the point of life? What is the point? On this blog, I will set out to answer none of those questions. Okay, perhaps I’ll answer the first two.

Hey, it’s me, Abby. Or, Abigail Baldwin, as is stated in at the top of this website. I am a 21-year-old woman. I enjoy drinking, tweeting, and scrolling through hours of ASMR on Instagram. I have the confidence of an upper-middle-class white man but the insecurities of an acne-riddled 13-year-old. I recently left college without completing my degree in “Media Arts.” I do not, ostensibly, have any regrets. I have, however, made a lot of decisions I feel incredibly iffy about that I’d love to discuss here.

I’ve never kept a blog before, nor have I consistently journaled since I was 16. Despite this, I have some idea of the kind of topics I’d like to cover here. You can most certainly expect me to write about being a college drop (flunk) out and how I keep from hating myself! You may also see me mention being bisexual since I cling to my LGBTQ+ status as a reason to call myself oppressed. I’m not actually that oppressed. However, I have had some pretty colorful experiences being manipulated and indoctrinated in a variety of religious contexts. My hope is to use this blog to chat about sex and love, tell bits of my story and, from time to time, explore my relationship to faith and spirituality. I may also write about lighter topics such as music, movies, and my beautiful, dry, over-bleached and splitting hair!

On this blog, you will not receive wellness tips. I have none. You will not see product reviews unless you personally want to pay me for them. I am a huge sell-out. You will not be privy to stagey photoshoots of me in front of a brick wall, unless you personally want to take my picture. I am very vain. There will be no celebrity gossip, I save that for the group chat. Lastly, I will not leak my nudes, because this blog is free.

Currently, I live in Boston. I’ll probably be writing from various coffee shops while sipping a London Fog or soy latte and commiserating with my fellow self-indulgent white women. It’s sad but true.

At the end of the day, I’m doing this because I need a hobby. Writing is one of the only things that makes me feel like a person and not a tiny tit-less cog in the machine. Also, I want to be famous enough to peddle $30 multi-vitamins to innocent youth. That’s why. If you already find me grating I would love if you complained about me online, because all press is good press.


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Gossip Squirrel

(this will not be a recurring tag)